村上春樹全作品 1990-2000 ① 短編集 Ⅰ 感想

Haruki Murakami Complete Works 1990-2000 Volume 1: Short Story Collection I

So this is Haruki Murakami!

The following includes spoilers and my thoughts!

There were many strange stories! And there were also many works where I was curious about what happens next! Is this common in Haruki Murakami’s works? Because it’s a collection of short stories?

Some of his novels were mentioned as well! Norwegian Wood, Dance Dance Dance, The Wind-up Bird Chronicle. I’m curious about what kind of novels Murakami writes… Maybe I should read those too.

I usually read novels, but short story collections are nice too! Each story is short and easy to read! I enjoyed the variety of settings!

The cover has a mysterious feel… Is this a map? Since it seems Murakami has moved around a lot, perhaps it’s a map of somewhere?

There were quite a few stories that were so bizarre they made me laugh! I especially liked the story about the donut! Maybe in his novels, there are moments that make you chuckle too?


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