映像研には手を出すな! 07 大童澄瞳 感想

In the following pages, translation by ChatGPT.

“Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! 07
Sumito Owara

Sakurada-san isn’t on the cover…

Spoilers included below!

Kanamori-san and the secretary are the models!
The story is moving in an unexpected direction!
But, isn’t it quite nice?
Perhaps they are surprisingly suited for it!

Though they were supposed to be just models, they’re meddling in the editing!
And somehow, it’s working out!
Kanamori-san is amazing!

The year 2052!
It was much further in the future than the present!
No wonder there are various futuristic devices!
It’s a bit exciting!

I guess Sakurada-san is ironing out inconsistencies and details in the setting?
Sakurada-san serves as the eyes of the audience, aiming for a more broadly appealing work?
Hmm, it seems a bit different from the direction Eizouken aims for…
Even if not aiming for mainstream appeal, Sakurada-san might be helping make the work more understandable!

The main characters’ settings are revealed!
Kanamori-san is named ‘Sayaka’?
And it mentions she plays games unexpectedly!
Indeed unexpected!
Hyakume-san’s name is ‘Parker’…?
Is that their real name…?

Eizouken is a club that makes anime, right…?
Why are there tank duels…?

Knocking it out of the park?
It’s not meant in a violent way, surely, but in a sense of overwhelming with sheer entertainment?”


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です