向日葵の咲かない夏 道尾秀介 感想

In the following pages, translation by ChatGPT.

### English Translation
#### “A Summer Without Sunflowers”
#### by Shusuke Michio

It might have been a bit challenging…

Warning: Spoilers included below…

What exactly was going on in the end?
Was everything just Michio-kun’s delusion?
Or was reincarnation actually happening?
Was Michio-kun the only one interacting with Mika-chan and S-kun?
Michio-kun’s mother did talk to Mika-chan, but she was speaking to a doll, not the lizard Mika-chan, so it’s not like she heard Mika-chan’s voice.
He did talk to Grandma Toko, but since Toko Grandma turned out to be a cat, was it all just Michio-kun’s delusion after all?
Hmm, could it be that only Michio-kun could hear the voices of reincarnation?

Michio-kun’s astonishing deductive skills!
Really, for a fourth grader…?
Well, didn’t grandpa say Michio-kun was smart?
Perhaps he is a genius like Shiki Magata in Hiroshi Mori’s works, containing various personalities?

There seemed to be many unexpected twists!
In the end, S-kun committed suicide, and it was S-kun who was killing animals, while grandpa was the one breaking their bones!
The suspicion towards Mr. Iwamura was a complete mislead!
Oh, I’ve been had…

If the reincarnates were just Michio-kun’s delusions, why suspect Mr. Iwamura?
Without S-kun’s comments, he probably wouldn’t have suspected him, but if S-kun himself was a delusion, then the suspicion originally existed within Michio-kun, right?
There was also the matter of the survey, so maybe smart Michio-kun had his doubts from that point…

Speaking of which, what about Grandma Toko’s prophecy?
Or was that just a fortune-telling?
It ties in too well with actual events to be merely Michio-kun’s delusion…
Hmm, maybe it’s just conveniently tied together?
Or perhaps Michio-kun was unconsciously voicing the parts he felt suspicious about?
Or maybe, in the context of this work, reincarnation was actually happening…


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