The Pharaoh’s Sealed Room by Naofumi Shirakawa

I enjoyed it!

The following contains spoilers!

So, Seti was a woman! The scene where Seti blushes when Tarek talks about mummifying Seti makes sense now! And Seti was in love with Tarek! On the other hand, what about Tarek? Did he not realize it? Or did he realize but respected Seti’s feelings by treating her as a man?

Is the person on the cover Seti? She looks like a woman, so at first, I thought it might be Asheri! But since Seti is a woman, it seems more likely that Seti, rather than Asheri, would be on the cover.

It all connects to Tutankhamun in the end! Looking up Tutankhamun on Wikipedia, I found:

  • “A more accurate spelling would be Tutankhamen”
  • “Tutankhamun’s father was Akhenaten”
  • “Vizier (Regent) Ay”
  • “General Horemheb”
  • “During the reign of Akhenaten, the monotheistic worship of Aten was preached, so he was originally named ‘Tutankhaten'”

These details align with the content of “The Pharaoh’s Sealed Room”! “The Pharaoh’s Sealed Room” is a mystery based on historical facts! It reminds me a bit of the Black Tower. A mix of history and fiction in a mystery seems like a great idea.

Mysteries are fun!


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