ザリガニの鳴くところ Where the Crawdads Sing ディーリア・オーエンズ 友廣純訳 感想

In the following pages, translation by ChatGPT.

“Where the Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens, translated by Jun Tomohiro


Spoilers ahead!

It turns out Kya was the one who killed Chase! There were certainly suspicious aspects to Kya, but since she was acquitted, I had thought maybe Tate or Jumpin, who cared about Kya, had killed Chase in her place…
I was completely fooled! But that’s what makes it so good!

Why did Kya keep the shell necklace, which could serve as evidence? If she had thrown it away, it would’ve been the perfect way to hide the evidence. Perhaps she kept it with her poems as a way to someday confess to Tate? Or maybe she intended for someone to find out after her death…?

Though murder is wrong, having followed Kya’s life closely and empathized with her, I find myself unable to blame her… Chase was quite aggressive, and his repeated infidelity adds complexity to the situation. If Kya hadn’t killed Chase, she might have ended up in a terrible situation, right? Maybe it was inevitable? Still, it feels like it went beyond self-defense… But, given Kya’s background as the “Marsh Girl” and the lack of action from the authorities, her decision to take matters into her own hands is somewhat understandable…

Apart from the mystery element, the rest of the story was fantastic! Kya’s life was tough in the beginning, but seeing her environment gradually improve as she collected shells, learned to read, and published books was incredibly satisfying! And Kya’s perseverance in striving to live is inspiring. It seems she had a peaceful later life, which is a relief.

But, did Kya not cast a shadow over her heart by killing Chase? Didn’t she feel any guilt? Perhaps Tate never noticed because Kya concluded it was necessary for survival, a natural part of life? Or maybe she did feel guilty but hid it from Tate?

The truth of the case remains shrouded in darkness… With Kya dead and Tate covering up the evidence, it’s a complete mystery now. It’s been almost 40 years since the incident, so it’s probably considered time-barred by now. But the absence of fingerprints on the watchtower is a curious fact that can’t be easily dismissed as an accident. It might remain a mystery of the marsh…

Jumpin is a good person! His kindness towards Kya, shunned as the Marsh Girl, was very touching. And when Jumpin died… I could understand why Kya cried…

It’s sad that Kya never met her mother… If she had just kept the letter hidden from her father… Maybe a different future awaited? But then, maybe Kya wouldn’t have ended up marrying Tate? That thought is somewhat sad too…

Are translated works often of high quality? If translating unpopular works doesn’t pay off, then it makes sense only to translate those that are. If a work by a foreign author is translated, it’s likely because it’s interesting. Looking back, it seems like every foreign work I’ve read was fascinating. Hmm, maybe that’s a good strategy for choosing my next book?

This was a work that made me want to shout with joy after finishing it!


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