サクッとわかるビジネス教養 地政学 奥山真司 監修 感想

“Quick Understanding of Business Acumen: Geopolitics”
Supervised by Shinji Okuyama

Geopolitics is truly fascinating!

Land Power and Sea Power.
It’s an interesting perspective! Like a sense of opposing forces?
The idea that the nail that sticks out gets hammered down?

Chokepoints are crucial! Just controlling these points can provide a significant advantage!
It’s easy to understand why many countries desire them!

Japan wasn’t invaded much due to geographical reasons!
Certainly, crossing the sea just to invade is quite challenging…
Hmm, somewhat similar to the difficulty of besieging a castle?

The Northern Territories are quite important to Russia.
There’s likely the fact that people already live there, but it seems Russia has reasons not to return them easily! Ignoring public sentiment, Japan doesn’t strongly demand their return because it may not bring much benefit.
Hmm, the Northern Territories issue seems likely to persist, doesn’t it?

The U.S. military bases in Okinawa are perfect strategic points!
It seems easy to keep an eye on Russia and Asia from Okinawa!
On the flip side, it must be a nuisance for Russia and Asia?
If they were to attack Japan, would they start from the bases in Okinawa?

Oh, the situation in the Middle East is complex…
With the influences of the United States, China, and Russia mixing in, it’s hard to understand…
Proxy wars might be happening in countries in the Middle East backed by these major powers…
No, they might already be happening?

Shale oil!
Thanks to advanced technology, crude oil can now be extracted from deeper layers!
Will Japan also be able to extract it someday?

Hmm, countries in buffer zones are constantly exposed to threats from major powers, right…?
Since they have to keep an eye on their neighboring countries at all times, there’s no moment to relax?
Seems stressful… From that stress, there’s the potential for a country to invade its neighbor, saying it can’t live in constant fear?
Ah, is this how wars continue…

Being constantly under attack can lead to paranoia…
Securing safety before being taken is a natural psychological response.
However, from the perspective of the one being taken, it’s unbearable…
And thus, war continues…
Ah, peace is indeed challenging…

It’s challenging, but geopolitics is interesting!


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