インタビュー大全 相手の心を拓くための14章 大塚明子 感想

In the following pages, translation by ChatGPT.

“Complete Guide to Interviews: 14 Chapters to Open Hearts”
Akiko Otsuka

There are various strategies for getting people to talk, aren’t there?

Can these strategies be applied outside of interviews? For example, can I use these techniques to have a teacher speak freely during a class? Or could they be useful in the workplace, such as when listening to colleagues from other departments or seniors? Hmm, this “Complete Guide to Interviews” seems like it could be useful for anyone!

So, to conduct an interview, you need to prepare a lot of knowledge beforehand, right? Researching the person you’re interviewing and gathering information about what you’ll be asking them. Although the actual interview might last between one to three hours, it seems you need to spend several times more on preparation! Does this make experienced interviewers incredibly knowledgeable?

Did you know that nodding can be considered impolite in some languages? I had no idea… Since Japanese people often nod unconsciously, we need to be careful about this…

There is also a technique where you intentionally begin to say something and let the other person finish the thought! It seems this method can make it easier to discuss uncomfortable topics without offending the other person.

What happens when interviewers who know these techniques talk to each other? Could it turn into a kind of mind game? It sounds like it would be a high-level conversation!

I can understand the desire to hear someone’s personal opinions rather than just generalities! Although it might sound bad to say it’s “leading”, using techniques to avoid clichés and generalities could indeed be effective. If it’s a famous person, might it be better for them to express their own unique perspectives? Hmm, is the relationship between interviewer and interviewee a win-win situation?

There’s even a technique of deliberate contradiction! It might be a bit scary because you don’t want to upset the person, but it can be an effective way to draw out more of the story… However, if done incorrectly or too aggressively, it could cause problems. This might be a technique more suited for the experienced.


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