ねこねこ日本史 シーズン1エピソード28 – 「はだかン坊将軍、徳川吉宗!」 感想

Title: “Nekoneko Japanese History Season 1 Episode 28 – ‘The Naked Shogun, Tokugawa Yoshimune!'”

The Wild Shogun…?

The following contains spoiler-filled impressions!

Not even wearing clothes… What an incredibly frugal lifestyle haha. Was the finances of the shogunate really that bad…? Why did it come to this…

There’s also a song, huh? The “Iroha 47” song. It’s a bit addictive!

Iroha 47 is wearing clothes, huh…? Frugal living…? Perhaps because they’re like idols, clothes are considered necessary expenses…?

Hmm, Yoshimune made various laws, huh! Though it seems there were some rough patches, overall, was it good? Are there still laws made by Yoshimune in effect today?


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