うちのちいさな女中さん 4 長田佳奈 感想

Title: “My Little Maid 4”
Author: Kana Nagata

So interesting that it’s over in the blink of an eye!

Here are some spoiler-inclusive impressions!

Wow, the radio is amazing! Like a piece of furniture…?
If Hana-chan received something so luxurious, it might be overwhelming for her…

Hana-chan’s sleeping space seems like a secret base when the mosquito net is set up – quite fun!

Hot pot looks delicious! Hmm, it seems to have a thick texture. Rich with ingredients and thick noodles. I’d like to try it someday.

Is Professor Hasumi a natural airhead? She handles Manri-san so skillfully… is it intentional? Could she be a femme fatale…?

Hana-chan using a hammer? Even though she was working so hard… Will she eventually learn to swim?

For Mari-san, Hana-chan is still someone to use, but will they become close friends eventually? Yeah, seems likely! Eventually, they might go out together and have fun!

Hmm, a good story! I like the part where Taka-san asks to be taught reading and writing! Considering Taka-san’s rather stern demeanor, this development is quite touching!


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