地底旅行 ジュール・ヴェルヌ作 朝比奈弘治訳 感想

In the following pages, translation by ChatGPT.

Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne Translated by Koji Asahina

It was thrilling and exciting!

The following contains spoilers!

Published in 1864! It hasn’t faded at all! It’s still fascinating to read today!

To think there’s a connection to the center of the earth from the crater of an extinct volcano! It’s such an exciting premise! And furthermore, a vast underground space! I really hope they research the creatures that were in that space… Since they’ve announced the discovery of the underground space, surely other researchers will flock there, right? If that happens, the study of ancient creatures will progress significantly! Researchers will gather, along with the guards and merchants they need, leading to the birth of an economy and the formation of a town. They might even improve the paths for better access, build tunnels, and so on… I fantasized that far! It’s so much fun!

That giant is intriguing, isn’t he… Since there are surviving dinosaurs, could he be an ancient human? Hmm, but considering they’ve been isolated from the surface for a long time, could they have evolved?

The professors couldn’t cross the underground sea, but what was beyond it? Could there have been a path leading even deeper underground? I’m really curious about what lies even deeper than where the professors reached!

Maybe eventually, dinosaur meat will start circulating… What would it taste like? I’ve never eaten reptiles, but would it taste similar?

Hans just quietly goes about his work, doesn’t he? He’s so cool! Why is he so unflappable? A heart of steel? Or is he actually surprised inside? Even if he doesn’t show it, he’s still cool!

Adventure novels are great, aren’t they!


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