甘美なる誘拐 平居紀一 感想

In the following pages, translation by ChatGPT.

Sweet Abduction
Kii Hiraie

I enjoyed the suspenseful feeling of the abduction!

The following contains spoilers!

Who are the characters on the cover?
The girl in the middle is surely Haruka-san, right?
The woman on the left looks like Hagiwa, the bodyguard, but she wasn’t that central, was she?
Then, is it Nanami-san?
The person in the left back has an androgynous vibe, so it must be Shinji!
Is the partner in the right back Yuto?
Who is the person on the front right…?
Among the main characters, Arakida-san seems like a strong candidate?

Now that Shinji and Yuto have safely acquired a large sum of money, what will they do next?
Yuto seems to be done with the yakuza, but can he easily leave even if he was less than a full member?
Will they start a business with this money?
That sounds fun too!

Yuto completely fooled me!
I never expected that he would deceive even his partner Shinji and outsmart Arakida-san!
Although Shinji was supposed to handle the intellectual work, maybe they could do even better if they put their heads together?

I thought the Inamura murder case would be more involved, but Shinji and the others just stumbled upon it and it didn’t seem to be a major part of the plot.
Well, because of the Inamura murder case, they had trouble cashing in the lottery ticket, so it was a necessary event?
Or rather, the detectives were quite suspicious of Shinji and the others, but since the culprit was caught, are they not pursuing Shinji and the others that much?

At first, everything was progressing separately, but eventually, everything came together!
I really enjoyed the story as it gradually intertwined!
I am curious about what happens next…
Is there a sequel or an epilogue?


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