名探偵に甘美なる死を 方丈貴恵 感想

In the following pages, translation by ChatGPT.

A Sweet Death for the Great Detective

Kie Hojo

The title has a nice ring to it!

Spoilers included!

This time, Kamo-san is the protagonist! And it turns out that Kamo-san saw everything… Though he was called an amateur detective, Kamo-san is a great detective!

Come to think of it, there aren’t many mysteries where the detective themselves is the protagonist, right? Usually, the story is told from the perspective of a Watson-like character or the detective’s assistant! Maybe if the story is told from the detective’s perspective, it would be too easy to figure out who the suspect is based on their insights and who they are suspicious of? Or maybe it’s just the mysteries I read that have this pattern…?

Were Kamo-san and Chikage-san destined to be together? Though they were both married to other people this time, did they meet because of this case and feel a sense of destiny towards each other? Kamo-san seems to be totally devoted to Rena-san, so it’s a bit disappointing that things didn’t work out this time…

Are there really this many amateur detectives…? It seems like there are quite a few famous detectives in this world who encounter and solve cases. This means there must be a lot of incidents occurring, and there are intelligent criminals creating cases that can’t be solved without a detective’s help… A terrifying world, indeed…

After the time machine and unknown creatures, next is VR! The Ryusen family is once again caught up in a mystery with a special setting… Wasn’t the curse on the Ryusen family supposed to be lifted? Did Kamo-san change fate by altering the past?

Did Chikage-san and the others hate amateur detectives so much because their lives were ruined by one? Their hatred grew to encompass not just the individual but the entire profession? Hmm, it seems like Kamo-san was destined to marry Chikage-san in another timeline, but even then, was his life ruined by an amateur detective? Is there a possibility that Chikage-san’s fate was altered by Kamo-san changing the past? Since Meister Hora mentioned not knowing Chikage-san’s true nature, does this mean she lived a different life than originally intended? If so, Kamo-san’s actions in changing the past had an impact… While some people found happiness, others ended up in misery… Perhaps there is no such thing as a past alteration that can satisfy everyone…


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