人間はどこまで家畜か 現代人の精神構造 熊代亨 感想

In the following pages, translation by ChatGPT.

To what extent are humans domesticated? The Psychological Structure of Modern Humans

by Toru Kumashiro

I used to think that being calm was a good thing, but depending on the era, it can be seen as being cowardly or weak, right?

There was a time when being assertive and full of fighting spirit was highly valued. So, could it be that what is considered good in the present might become outdated in the future? I’m starting to get confused about whether being aggressive is good or bad…

From the perspective of surviving with diversity, is it not good for there to be only calm people increasing? Or is it okay as long as it’s not “only” calm people? Hmm, this book makes me think about a lot of things!

It’s hard to tell whether an era where everything is controlled is a utopia or a dystopia… From the modern person’s perspective, it seems there would be mixed opinions. If the future develops in that direction, does that mean it has been accepted by people? Perhaps the era we live in now is also unclear whether it’s a utopia or dystopia from the perspective of people from the past.

The story about the silver foxes is interesting! They gradually start to resemble dogs! Even if a creature is dangerous, if you only select and breed the friendly individuals, do their ears start to droop and their fangs become shorter?


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