ゴールデンカムイ 8 野田サトル 感想

In the following pages, translation by ChatGPT.

**Golden Kamuy 8**
**Satoru Noda**

There are so many intense developments!

The following includes spoilers!

A partisan disguised as an Ainu.
Hmm, is there a possibility that Kiroranke might betray the Ainu?
I think I understand why Sugimoto was wary…

Taxidermy of many people…
And that mask…?
It seems to be made from a combination of eyes and fingers, but could it be made from real humans…?

It turns into a somewhat comical fashion show partway through, but it’s all made from human corpses, right…?
Definitely madness…

Fake tattooed skins?
Since they are encrypted, only Nopperabo and Lieutenant Tsurumi can tell if they are real?
Hmm, this feels like a harbinger of chaos…

Asirpa really loves miso, doesn’t she? LOL
It’s hard to believe she hated it so much at first LOL
Will she start making it herself eventually?

Tanigaki is helping Asirpa and the others to repay a debt!
They used to be enemies, but it’s reassuring to have Tanigaki as an ally!
So, Sugimoto’s group is gradually growing?

Is Inkarmat an enemy?
Or an ally?
There were scenes of her relying on Lieutenant Tsurumi, but is she not part of his faction?
Could it be that Inkarmat has her own reasons for her actions?

Wait, are Sugimoto and Hijikata’s factions joining forces?
Is there a possibility of an unexpected alliance?
This could lead to some intense developments!


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