ゴールデンカムイ 22 野田サトル 感想

In the following pages, translation by ChatGPT.

Golden Kamuy 22
Satoru Noda

Can both Hijikata-san and Lieutenant Tsurumi be outsmarted…?

The following contains spoilers!

Usami is surprisingly strong? Maybe I was still influenced by the impression of his failure in the infiltration. All of Lieutenant Tsurumi’s subordinates are strong!

Could Lieutenant Koito have let Sugimoto escape on purpose…? He might have developed feelings for Sugimoto and his group after traveling together? But if it was really on purpose and Lieutenant Tsurumi found out, he could be in serious trouble…

That’s right. Inkarmat is with Lieutenant Tsurumi, isn’t she… If that’s the case, Tanigaki can’t betray him.

Has Tanigaki come to terms with something? If he saves Inkarmat, he might join Sugimoto and his group! But I don’t think Lieutenant Tsurumi would make it so easy to rescue Inkarmat… Would he really allocate that many resources for it? Even if Tanigaki left alone and cooperated with Sugimoto’s group, it’s hard to imagine they could stand against Lieutenant Tsurumi’s forces. Hmm, maybe Lieutenant Tsurumi is the type to be thorough?

What is it that he wants to talk about slowly? He seemed a bit disappointed, so maybe it’s something nostalgic? Hmm, I can’t imagine Lieutenant Tsurumi talking about memories unless it’s part of some scheme…

Asirpa-san has made up her mind… Will Asirpa-san end up killing someone someday? If Asirpa-san were to kill someone, I wonder how Sugimoto would feel. Sugimoto seems drawn to Asirpa-san’s pure side, so maybe… No, Sugimoto and Asirpa-san are partners! Even if Asirpa-san ends up killing someone, they should be fine together!

He was alone from the beginning! I was fooled! The fear of Wen Kamuy created another personality…

On the last page, Hijikata-san, Lieutenant Tsurumi, and Ogata are depicted alone. Is Ogata still an independent force after all?


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