ゴールデンカムイ 16 野田サトル 感想

In the following pages, translation by ChatGPT.

Golden Kamuy 16

Satoru Noda

Who will ultimately obtain the gold? It’s quite intriguing!

Below are my thoughts, which contain spoilers!

Deer have fangs?
What do they use them for…
I’m a bit curious about their ecology…
After some research, it seems they use them to fight over females?

Although Sugimoto is the protagonist of Golden Kamuy, are Hijikata and Lieutenant Tsurumi also main characters?
It’s hard to dislike any of the characters!
But, since they are fighting and killing each other over the gold, it’s unlikely we’ll see a happy ending where everyone survives…

Is the reason Sugimoto and Asirpa have been separated for so long because they are helping with the circus…?
When will Sugimoto and Asirpa meet again?
It looks like Asirpa is going to sneak into Russia, so it might be a while before they reunite.

Lieutenant Koito has a talent for acrobatics!
Such incredible physical abilities!
Has he been practicing somewhere?
There wasn’t such training in the 7th Division, right?
Then, it must be innate?

The monkey’s screeching echoes around. Have they forgotten they are in the middle of a performance?
Lieutenant Koito’s admiration for Lieutenant Tsurumi is unwavering.

Tanigaki has recently become the comic relief, hasn’t he?
But, involving an adult man in the dances of a girls’ troupe…
Well, it certainly gets attention…

I feel like Asirpa is beginning to trust Ogata…
At this rate, the gold will fall into the hands of Kiroranke and Ogata!
What will happen to Asirpa once they find the location of the gold…
Wouldn’t it be better if fewer people knew the secret?
Won’t she be deemed unnecessary and killed…
Oh, I hope Sugimoto catches up soon!


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