うちのちいさな女中さん 1 長田佳奈 感想

My Little Maid 1
Kana Nagata

I really enjoy slice-of-life stories! I find myself getting completely absorbed in them!

The story talks about how life used to be challenging with the influence of Western culture, making household chores quite demanding. That’s why the help of maids was crucial! Perhaps being a maid was a two-in-one profession where one could learn etiquette and manners before marriage?

A maid at 14! No, it seems she started working at the age of 10? From such a young age… was this common in old Japan?

Is Hana-chan a fan of Professor Hasumi? Is that why she came in place of the person who was supposed to come? Although her expression doesn’t change much, she might be quite happy deep down!

Hana-chan seems to really like the gas stove! How cute! Writing a whole letter about it means she must really be fond of it! Maybe she can’t go back to a life without a gas stove now…

In the past, people used to make their clothes at home…? That sounds incredibly tough. From cleaning, doing laundry, preparing meals, to making clothes… I’m starting to understand why there was a need for pre-marriage training…

Professor Hasumi is staying up all night reading a book! I can totally relate to staying up late because you’re curious about what happens next! It’s hard to stop once you get into it… I feel a bit of a connection!

Oh, so Professor Hasumi’s marriage partner… I see, they used to live together. I wonder if Hana-chan can become Professor Hasumi’s source of comfort?


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